
(P. ramorum) IV: Topographics

With the research side of the P.ramorum project trundling along I need to find a photographic format that will suit the subject matter. When I was photographing the affected area in Glenariffe, in early January, I found it difficult to relay the impact of what I was seeing, and that is why I needed to do additional research.

Although it is hard to think about how the series will come together at this stage it is important to consider where this work would fit into the wider field of contemporary photography. My initial aim is to create a series of photographs in the affected areas, whilst also focusing on the surrounding conservational processes and subsequent implications.

One idea then would be to pick a particular mode of framing and create a catalogue of calculated images, showcasing the fungal infection in this repetitive fashion would highlight the subtle differences between the trees or scenarios. This style of framing and producing images harks back to the photographers involved in the famous the New Topographics exhibtion (1975), curated by William Jenkins. The photographers involved were Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Robert Adams, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Lewis Baltz, Shephen Shore, and Henry Wessel Jr.

For a modern review and general insight into New Topographics I would suggest this article by The Guardian.

The photographers involved went on to greatly influence landscape photography throughout the USA and Europe with their particular style.

[more later!]


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