
Back to it!

For the past month I seemed to have been bogged down in thinking about photography, reading about and writing about photography (applying for funding for projects). As important as each of those actions are they do not compare to taking and making photographs.

I had lost sight of project work and was wallowing in word documents. No longer! I made a point of getting back to it today, back to the frontline with cameras in hand. Bertha (my medium format Yashica) was out for the occasion, functioning as my mechanical muse and walking companion. Twelve shots later and I was home again, contented and refocused on image making. Keep an eye out for a Godzilla in high heels appearing in the stream shortly...

Tomorrow I am off to the Glens of Antrim, once again I will be focusing on the affected woodland areas and P.ramorum.

More soon. This new vigour will probably spill out here, Twitter and Instagram...


1 comment:

Paradox-Pictures said...

On a side note: I really am having fun with iPhonegraphy. And with the updated version of Hipstamatic that allows you to share images using Instagram technology it has never been easier.