
Walking my Beat I

Now that the 100 Portraits project has been going for quite some time I think it is about time for a roundup. A chance to introduce some of the fantastical characters I have been privileged enough to meet, or [if I had already met them] to include in the series.

Top right to bottom left: Beccy Henderson, Fergus, Rose Baker, Michael Savage

Beccy and I burnt a Pinter script for her portrait. I suppose it counts as art-therapy. Check out Beccy's mega-busy youtube page!

Fergus was the second person I feel like I bullied into a portrait [the first was 26/100]. I am not proud of this fact. However, the day I photographed Fergus was a rainy Sunday, it may even have been Easter Sunday, and the streets were empty. He was the ONLY person I found after walking for over an hour, and I could not let the project fail. I have backwards Irish politeness to thank for this one.

Rose Baker, an absolute gem. She has a blog and a radio slot [Queen's Radio at 8pm on Tuesdays]. Rose also photographed me when I was photographing her, I'll have to track this down.

Michael, photographed the night before our relay team entered the Belfast Marathon and placed 1164 of 2282. Our team name: SKY PANTHERS ARE GO!


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